
Transition from Stress to Ease
with Mindfulness-based Coaching, Courses and Walks

My name is Dr. Tia H. Ho and I work with people to realize their emotional capacity so they can move through stress and anxiety without it becoming a roadblock. If you want to feel clarity and ease even in overwhelm, try one of my programs. I weave mindfulness, science, and nature connection with wisdom traditions into my offerings. You can see a few sample offerings on my YouTube channel.

Finding Mindful Now’s course and workshop offerings are for highly sensitive, growth-focused nerds.

Why “highly sensitive”? Folks who work with me tend toward feeling overwhelmed or anxious because they are highly sensitive. This sensitivity means they feel deeply, and their mind may project worst case scenarios as part of that deep care they have. It’s easy to take a normal, healthy nervous system response as a signal of “wrongness”. Seeing it’s not personal is part of how the system settles.

Why “nerds”? Because I am one. I know what it’s like to have a revved up mind that moves fast, wants to solve problems, and is highly creative. This mind style is both a superpower and can create challenges of its own making…such as loops of emotional thought-driven suffering.

Why “growth-focused”? Growth brings continual changes that can feel very uncomfortable, pushing us up against the edges of what we think we’re capable of. While this can be taxing on an already sensitive nervous system, it’s also necessary to help us keep accessing and expanding capacity to problem solve.

Anxiety doesn’t have to mean you close the door on living a full life. And keeping your life’s fire lit doesn’t have to mean burning out. You can say yes to systems of support, to boundaries, and to you.

The Pause with Ellen Wyoming DeLoy interviews Dr. Tia H. Ho

My vision is a world where everyone realizes that it’s safe to feel every emotion that arises. Your human system is like an instrument. In my experience, each emotion is like a scale of notes the body can play with different electrical impulse frequencies (that’s what sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts are – simple electrical pulses that our brains learn how to label based on our culture in the society where we live). Life would be really boring if all you ever experienced was one narrow range of emotional notes. Because we’ve been taught to judge and shame some feeling states and emotions, we often have the learned burden of subconsciously resisting them. This is where stress often worsens even when environments and conditions change. It doesn’t have to be that way.

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