I work with non-profit, for-profit and government organizational teams as a community health advisor on the side or can step in during the short-term to build new processes, coordinate report synthesis, or provide input on program/project evolution. With more than 12 years experience leading collaborative community health projects and more than 20 years working in environmental and health fields, I’ve been there! I can guide you in relying on your strengths during uncertainty. I share problem-solving expertise in a responsive, tailored, and comprehensive way so that your team’s capacity continues to grow after I leave. You can download a menu of organizational specific offerings here.
The Finding Mindful Now Awareness Framework starts with the core resilience and innate wholeness that is built into every person. Through directing attention (the outer ring of the circle) we see everything that arises within awareness – the intrapersonal life experiences, our experiences of relationships, and our experiences of situations. This includes seeing through societal conditioning that trains the brain to internalize and externalize various forms of oppression.

“Tia’s science-based approach to mindfulness helped me understand the mind-body connection in a way that felt grounded, clear, and accessible – more so than other experiences I’ve had with the subject. Taking the class was an important way to create space in my schedule for mindfulness, to slow down, and experiment with different ways to address stress. I appreciate the exercises to build a personalized “toolkit” for stress recovery, which gives me something to turn to when I’m looking for solutions.”
Kelly Rodgers on Building Your Stress Recovery Toolkit