Work With Me
I know what it’s like to burn out. Repeatedly. Over the years I learned how to support the system to prevent the crispy fry. These offerings help you discover your built in capacities and supports you can use at any time to dial the notch down. Rediscovering the space inside is a tool for preventing burnout – and it happens one pause, one request, and one moment of sensory support at a time.
“The boundaries class that I took helped me see beyond how I interact with others to see how I interact with myself and explore the roots of my own behaviors. Tia artfully created an interactive, digestible class that was meaningful for the stage I am in at setting boundaries with myself and others.”
Briana Arnold

Ready, Set: Boundaries!
In this 5 part interactive series (an hour each session), we’ll talk about the basics of boundary setting and how to say yes and no in a thoughtful way that supports relationships. You’ll create script templates for setting boundaries, making requests, and pivoting a conversation to use as part of making agreements. Usually not discussed in most Boundaries 101 workshops, we’ll also explore the emotional landscape of why boundaries can hiccup. Navigating boundary setting requires emotional supports because often hidden and unconscious needs or desires will emerge based on the other person’s response, and our response to their response. Can you say no…can you accept someone else’s no…what about receiving supports – can you ask for them and let them in? Non-profits and government agencies can offer this internally to your teams at a discount from the publicly offered rate. Email me to inquire.
Need supportive recentering practices you can do in public or on the go? This self paced e-course offers an opportunity to slow down and tune into your senses to support your nervous system and observe how it settles. These sensory based and mindfulness informed supports help you see where it’s most skillful for you to find stability when the mind is doing loops. Designed as a form of circuit training, you compare different practices and feel how your body responds to each. You can do these in public to come back to center – for example in the middle of an interview, a conflict, traffic, or a stressful meeting. Individuals can take the $97 self-paced e-course, set up a free discovery call if you want to over it to your whole work team in a live session ($450 for teams up to 15 people).

Vagal Love as
Self Love Workshop
Wonder why so many people recommend taking a pause for a deep breath before speaking and why breathing is often a focal point of yoga, meditation, and other supportive practices? In this 90 minute interactive workshop ($97) gain clarity and awareness of how your nervous system settles through exploring the vagus nerve. We’ll practice three different activities to tone your vagus nerve for faster bouncing forward after your brain throttles the stress response on high. I call this longest internal nerve connecting all your internal organs to your brain the Most Valuable Player in stress recovery because it regulates breathing, heart rate, digestion and more. Available for teams of up to 15 people for $450 live on zoom.

Mindful Listening Circle
This month long group program of four to five one hour-long sessions (depending on the day of the week it’s offered and the month we are in) combines the structure of guided meditation practices with a supportive listening circle. Each session six great folks and I will meet in a virtual listening and expression circle. At the beginning of each session I’ll introduce the mindfulness practice (I’ll provide a guided recording by email for use during the week) and then we’ll take turns sharing in a supportive listening container what we notice – speaking from our heart about anything that comes up for us. The listening circle helps us tune into the mindfulness of listening fully to one another without diving in to fix someone or comment on what they share. The listening is a form of compassionate witnessing and is its own affirmation of wholeness. We’ll uncover the hidden supports of the senses to help us notice what’s already okay right now. The confidential listening circle is structured around each of us mirroring our wholeness and innate wisdom. $97/person, spaces limited and only advertised to newsletter subscribers. A train the trainer model to establish listening circles at organizations is also available, schedule a discovery call to learn more.
Change is inevitable and you don’t have to walk across the growth bridge of transition alone. Three months is enough time to see limiting beliefs, build new practices, and explore what’s possible. These six sessions over three months are intended to give you support and guidance before, during, and after an event or to support you in shifting into a new wellness practice. You schedule the six calls any time over the span of three months, most people choose one call every two weeks. Mindfulness and forest bathing invitations are incorporated in the first 15 minutes of each call while you are outside on a walk or sitting in a location of your choice. Limit of 2 packages per person a year. Set up a discovery call to learn more. Prices go up in 2025.

Tracking Growth Program
Forgetting to set boundaries? Holidays got you on the run? Wanting to understand why you’re not doing that thing you claim to want so badly and yet….you aren’t taking action? This program combines the beauty of seeing information in front of you through accountability systems (think habit tracking sheets) with the intimate support of 1:1 emotional capacity coaching. Work on three different areas, one a month, or a deep dive into one area over three months. Six coaching calls spread out so you have one call every other week, weekly check ins with a shared insight, a growth tracking sheet, and unlimited email responses $850. Prerequisite: fill out an intake and take at least one of my other offerings so you can see if my style is a good fit for you.
Want to build skills for connecting to nature to help you slow down? This half day in-person workshop combined with a self-directed e-course offers the opportunity to pause and explore how spending time in the natural world in community can enhance health, calm, and easefulness with transitory emotional experiences. Participate in a guided forest as nourishment, also called forest bathing, walk in the morning. Reflect on your experience and explore how forest bathing is offered by different groups around the world, practice developing your own sensory based invitations you can use on your own or share with friends. Option to co-create a community walk experience at the end of the day. Offered annually, with a Pay What You Can options for those at low or high financial tide. Available for teams of up to 10 people at a time outside of public offerings, email me or schedule a discovery call to plan ahead.